Sunday 2 May 2010


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1. in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media product?

- Conventions – blood, zombies (monster), guns/weapons, fast paced flashes and events, news report explaining what’s happened, dark atmosphere/low key lighting, harmonious and dark, fast paced music, graveyards, collapsed buildings and wasteland, survivors, graffiti, gory FX

- Blood (red food coloring), zombies (someone with a hood), toy guns and broom handles, flashes (used a lot to explain what has happened in a short amount of time), filmed at night and all shots including day converted to black and white, music developed on garageband and harmonious music is very sorrowful and juxtaposes the faster pace that follows, graveyard featured at the start of the pan to show that death has arrived swiftly as title that is over it says two weeks later, wasteland and collapsed buildings add to the apocalyptic feel, zombie films always have people who are yet to be infected, graffiti shows that all hell has broke loose and there is no order or law enforcement, used to show wounds and effects of the spore and sound used to give the effect of a deadly blow

- Yes as it is a zombie horror and we have used survivors, weapons, gore, zombies, a wasteland.

- See references

2. how does your media product represent particular social groups?

- we tried to make it reach as many people as possible by making characters from different walks of life and by using a mixture of instruments and genres to make the music.

- Everyone is equal in a time of worldwide crisis people work together instead of every little squabble still taking place.

- Target audience is 15 going off the BBFC so minimal amount of gore and swearing used and characters are designed to relatable to different teenagers.

3. what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

- this is something that wouldn’t be produced by Hollywood as it doesn’t need the production value of a Hollywood film and would be made in England with English production values due to the low amount of SFX needed. Such English films include Colin which cost £45 to make.

- It would be a TV movie and shown on maybe SCI-FI, ZoneHorror or five.

- It would be released for the horror film boom around Halloween time but it wouldn’t offer an opportunity for any form of merchandise or franchise.

- This is through the use of low key lighting and gore.

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

- See BBFC 15 rating

- See references

5. how did you attract/address your audience?

- 15+ due to content and horrors are usually this rating or higher. Horrors are popular between teens to late 20s and zombie films tend to be more popular with males.

- there aren’t any moments that would terrify the audience as our opening sequence is only meant to set the events of the film into motion.

- POV to put the audience in the shoes of the first zombie and one of the survivors. Showing the various stages of the mutation first hand through numerous shots mainly close ups allowing the viewer to experience the changes first hand.

- they are being asked to put themselves in the shoes of both the survivors and zombies and are allowed to watch everything that has happened to the world due to the spores effects.

- gives the viewer a more in-depth feel to the storyline and the emotions the characters.

- we are following the generic conventions by showing the mutation allowing us to use special effects to show gore etc. one of the suspenseful moments was when the survivors are being attacked by the zombie. Another is when the mutation occurs and the zombie attacks the girl.

- get from facebook etc.

6. what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

- Strengths:-

· Good quality camera which produced high quality video and sound

· The tripod was very sturdy, and secure

· All of the equipment was easy to use

· The green screen equipment worked very well and was also easy to use


· There were different makes of cameras so you had to make sure you had the right camera as different ones had different settings and effects

· The camera recorded onto tape which takes longer to import and doesn’t hold as much data as a hard drive or memory card camera

- we found that due to us using small commercial cameras we were unable to get rid of the wind sound as we didn’t have access to a boom mic and cover and this picked the wind up. Also we found that it is hard to film in public places as people would walk near and in one case we had the sound of a motorbike get caught in the shot. In most cases we just reshot the shot straight after and asked anyone nearby if they would mind going a different way or moving away while we filmed.

- the only new technology we used was the green screen in the media studio however we experimented with it to begin with to see what we could potentially use and we decided how to use it from there.

- There were several effects built into imovie that where useful to make the video and these where…. These proved to be useful as they where effects that could not be made by using the camera and would be hard to try to create otherwise the … effect was good at making the image look pixilated and was a helping factor as this saves a lot of work however it also had to be run through Photoshop to make the image how we wished .garageband was a useful piece of software as instead of hiring a person to make a sound track we could decide on how we wanted it to sound with compliance and reference to the movie once finished as originally we didn’t know originally what kind of sound track we wanted but by listing to the sound loops and changing pitches we found the right one which helps create a more tense piece (put before and after on prezi)(WITH SOUND AND WITHOUT!)

7. Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

- we found that by planning and drawing up an animatic we were able to ensure that we could make sure that the opening sequence was of a higher quality than our preliminary task which was honestly terrible mainly due to inexperience of the filmmaking process and we were also able to decide on what subgenre of horror we wanted to use and what sort of monster or killer we wanted to use and at the same time formulate a viable plot.

- we were able to use wider use variety of shots thanks to us deciding to do a zombie film.

- we all feel more confident with the equipment as we have had more time to work with the equipment we were provided with and feel that it has been very useful in helping us to understand the filmmaking process and at the same time formulate ideas with what is available to us wherever and whenever we are filming.

- we feel that we have done the best that we could to fill the brief and we feel we are as close to the brief as we can be.



Thursday 11 February 2010

Assessment 8: Shooting schedule

Shot № Type Duration (seconds) Location Mise-en-scene
1 Long Shot 10 Burn Valley Drugs, costume
2 Close up 2 House Drugs
3 Medium Close Up 5 House
4 Close up 2 House Make up
5 Close up 2 House Make up
6 Medium Shot 3 Bathroom Soup
7 Close up 2 House
8 Medium shot 3 House
9 Close up 2 House Make up
10 Low angle 2 House
11 Medium Shot 3 Street
12 Medium High Angle 2 Bed Make up
13 Pan 4 to 5 Bed
14 Medium Long Shot 3 Steetly
15 Pan Tilt 5 Steetly
16 Multiple Shots 2 News Studio

Assessment 7: Animatic storyboard

Assessment 6: Organisation of actors, locations, costumes and props

The following equipment and locations are what we will need to film our sequence:
Steetly (for wasteland effect)




Lab equipment

News studio (done through green screen)

Melee weapons

Make up


Assessment 5: Pitch Idea

Assessment 4: Initial ideas

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Assessment 3: Research of target audience and gender

When looking into target audience I decided to see how the BBFC classifies 15 and 18 films to see which would be most suitable. I found out the following:

The age rating of 15 would allow us to use no discrimination drug usage but no to encourage drug misuse. Use strong threat. Hanging can be used without details and easily gained weapons should not be glamorized. Language such as “fuck” for example the strongest term used is “Cunt” aggressive terms and language is likely to be unacceptable, depending how it is used, language such as this may be needed in a sequence, but not enough to overshadow/dominate the scene. Dangerous behaviour should not dwell on detail which could be copied.
Nudity is allowed but not in great detail or in a non-sexual context. Sex can be used just not in great detail, Violence can be used strongly but strong gory images are likely to be inacceptable also sexualised violence is unacceptable.

1890’s -1920’s first horror films made around this time; in fact the first horror film that was credited with the genre was le manoir du diable (the house of the devil) which was made in 1896. A more popular film character which was invented in the 1910’s (often mistaken to be invented by Americans) is none other than Frankenstein.

1930’s – 1940’s Was when film companies most notably Americans, popularized the horror genre, with very successful features such as Dracula and Frankenstein. Also the wolf man which came out in 1941, although not the first wolf film, it was the most influential, so influential in fact that a remake of the film will be released this year(2010).


the tone of horror films shifted from the gothic towards concerns that some saw as being more relevant to the late-Century audience. The horror film was seen to fall into three sub-genres: the horror-of-personality film, the horror-of-Armageddon film and the horror-of-the-demonic film.
Films such as rosemary’s baby, peeping Tom and invasion of the body snatchers. Science fiction was very popular with film makers, and its audiences; with aliens being the most popular antagonist.


The occult ( knowledge of the hidden) which was a popular subject in the 60’s, henceforth films such as the exorcist, ridley Scotts sci fi horror ALIEN and the omen. Films such as the Texas chainsaw massacre, Friday the 13th and Halloween proved to be popular, and started of the ‘slasher genre, which was basically about a person/creature brutally murdering people. Also in the 1970s, horror author Stephen King debuted on the film scene as many of his books were adapted for the screen, beginning with Brian DePalma's adaptation of King's first published novel, Carrie (1976), which was nominated for Academy Awards.

1990’s- 2000’s

The trend of creating horror films has seemed to have dried up; with many horror films coming out in the modern era remade or ‘re-imagine. Films such as scream and the financial success of SAW is tempting directors and film makers to come and create another horror franchise.

Zombie Representations

This is the trailer to resident evil 5. The main objective of resident evil and infat all of the resident evil games, is to neutralize zombies. In this game (resident evil 5) they mutated from the ones of resi 3 2 and 1. Look at the links below to see the difference...

(ignore the narrating)

Assessement 2: Analysis of an opening sequence (Saw 2)

In the opening sequence, we're in darkness until a light bulb comes on, which gets quite bright (establishing shot). When the light bulb comes on, we hear a digetic sound, someone breathing; their breathing is loud- which suggests that they're in trouble. The camera then goes into a tilt/pan shot, moving from the light bulb, then into a ventilator, and then to a wall, the breathing is getting louder. As the camera keeps moving, non-digetic sound is used, wind like sound- with a touch of synthesized music that you can just about hear. The camera's movement then comes to a halt- were we see as the audience would assume-the victim who is making the digetic breathing sounds. The camera uses the mirror to look at the victim indirectly, here we see lots of blood around his right eye, his mouth suddenly widens as soon as he sees this, with his left eyebrow risen (a bit like the rocks). He the victim, checks his face by touching it, just to check he was not imagining what he was seeing. The camera then zooms out, giving a long shot; the shot shows us the room and the victim on a chair, which has something strapped around him. The camera then zooms in and gives a bird’s eye view of the victim; the victim who we can now see his face and body, screams for help. We then see 'cut-away action by seeing several shots of his face, yelling for help, to which the camera then zooms in to a mask with spikes in, with a touch of non digetic sound, which as well as the apparent spikes, suggests danger/death. The camera then zooms out, showing the victim on his feet, looking dazed and confused. Cross cutting is then used for when the television comes on, which shows the 'infamous jigsaw killer' (who kidnaps people and places them in traps, in order to appreciate life) the cross cut then goes back to the victim (or as we find out Michael) who stares at the television. A medium close up is used to show the victim breathing heavily and sweating, whilst listening to the 'jigsaw killer. The jigsaws words stagger Michael when he refers him as a ''snitch, unworthy of the body you possess'' the camera keeps cross cutting between the two, were jigsaw tells him in order to save himself from the 'Venus fly trapper like mask, he must remove his right eye in order to get the key, which is on a timer (it shows you an x-ray of his skull and were the key is). The camera zooms in on the timer, which starts ticking. This then shows you several cut a ways, of him attempting to get the key, the timer and the x ray, with non digetic sound played and getting more paced as the timer ticks. The timer runs out, which consequently means that the mask will shut, does and kills him.